Consolidated Plan
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HUD requires that each jurisdiction receiving CDBG funds develop a five-year Consolidated Plan (Con Plan). Because the CDBG Urban County is a member of the Alameda County HOME Consortium, the Urban County Five Year Strategic Plan is contained within the FY 15-19 Consolidated Plan for the Alameda County HOME Consortium (PDF - 199kB), covering all of the cities in the County except for Berkeley and Oakland. The current Five Year Plan covers the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020. The Urban County Five Year Strategic Plan contains the following priorities:
- Increase the availability of affordable rental housing for extremely low income (30% of Area Median Income), low income (50% of Area Median Income) and low income households (80% of Area Median Income).
- Preserve existing affordable rental housing and ownership for low households at or below 80% of Area Median Income.
- Assist low and moderate income first-time homebuyers.
- Reduce housing discrimination.
- Maintain, improve and expand (as needed) the capacity of housing, shelter and services for homeless individuals and families including integrated healthcare, employment services and other services.
- Maintain and expand activities designed to prevent those currently housed from becoming homeless.
- Build on inter-jurisdictional cooperation to achieve housing and homeless needs.
- Increase the availability of service enriched housing for persons with special needs.